Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Not so!

There was a conversation today about roses. Person A told person B that they believe that roses are hard work. Person B replied that the house they have now had more than 60 roses and they hired someone to take care of them because they didn't have the time. Person B went on to state that among other things all of them have to be pruned low to get sturdy stems.
I replied that roses don't have to be hard work. I have more than 60 roses and generally don't break a sweat taking care of them.
True, I have not entered any of my roses in any shows, but I got the impression that neither is person B.
My routine rose maintenance is fairly simple. I mow the lawn and collect the clippings. I place said clippings around the roses, and throughout the rose bed. In the fall I collect leaves. I place the leaves around the roses and throughout the rose bed.. In the spring I prune out the dead canes, or pieces of dead canes. I water the roses when they need it. The roses will let you know when they need water. If you aren't sure you can take your finger and check for moisture level in the top couple of inches. I weed. I cut spent flowers, deadhead, I cut flowers to bring into work for my desk. Starting mid July to early August, I don't water more than once a week. Unless I am going to be moving a rose I don't prune it very hard.
Roses aren't hard work. Give them water when they need it and they will give you blooms. Allow the grass clippings and leaves to act as a mulch/compost and enjoy the results.
So take the chore out of roses kick back and enjoy them.
Old Blush, along with wild flowers

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