Monday, November 16, 2020

Almost Thanksgiving and still going strong

 Monsieur Tillier, a Tea rose introduced in 1891. This is currently in a zone 6 location so we will see how it handles the winter.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

After heat, storms, and cooler weather

July was really hot. Most of the 6 roses just sat and did nothing. August started a little cooler and then had a few storms. The storms are gone, temperatures have cooled down. Here is a couple of happy rose bushes.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Starting over

So it has been awhile since last post. After nearly two years of not posting, plus moving from a house to an apartment and back into a house here goes starting over. This time though it is in the Midwest and in zone 6 instead of zone 8. I brought 6 roses with me from Oregon to Missouri. We will see how they do.
Here's to starting over from Safrano: