Saturday, August 13, 2022

Hunting for roses

 Sometimes one reads about a rose, or sees a picture of a rose that intrigues them. They then go to the local nursery and can't find it. They might go to online nurseries and not be able to find it there either. Something that they can do is to find groups and ask if someone is growing it, if they know the name.

So what happens if one runs across a rose in real life where there isn't a name tag, or someone to ask? Well they can still find groups, such as rose societies or go online to find groups and try to identify that way. Sometimes the rose can be planted alongside a road or in a cemetery. Sometimes the way to get information on roses that may be close to the mystery rose is finding old rose books or catalogs, either in the library or online; or if lucky in a garage sale/flea market. 

Sometimes though, digging into old rose books and catalogs can cause one to wish for or seek out for roses as well. 

The roses in this video are some of those that I found predominately in cemeteries, but also along the road and in a park. You can see the video here:

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Saturday, August 6, 2022

Stopping to "smell the roses

So you can't technically smell the roses. Here is a little video of roses to remind you to slow down and appreciate roses for themselves. Lately, I have seen many posts on social media with people worrying about diseases, water, heat, etc. Sometimes it is good to just stop and smell the roses and not worry about how they grow to enjoy them. You can smell the roses here: