Sunday, October 10, 2021

A slideshow of David Austin roses

My opinion on the roses in my slideshow on some of the David Austin roses that I have grown, or am currently growing. These are just my opinions from what I have observed. Here is a link for the slideshow:

Starting from the beginning of the slideshow:

Graham Thomas- a nice yellow rose. It does fade to whitish. It sets hips. I grew this rose in Oregon. There are several in a rose garden across the river from where I live in Missouri and hopefully I can again grow this at some point.

John Clare- a good pink. Probably a rose that isn't grown enough and doesn't have the "it" factor to stand out from the thousands of other pink roses out there. Mine set hips, and once established did well on its own. I grew this rose in Oregon, and while it would be nice to grow again, I am not holding my breath that I will be able to.

Port Sunlight- one that I have only had for a month. It is a nice yellow that I like the more flowers that I see, meaning that it is growing on me. I'm anticipating that it will look really good next spring, peeking out from behind the Tuscany Superb in my yard.

Sister Elizabeth- another one that I have had only for a month. The flower form is very similar to old garden roses. I'm going to hold farther comments until I have had this longer.

William Morris- I got this rose in June as an own root plant. It is related to Abraham Darby, but at such an early age I haven't seen much similarities. It has, what I call a pompom form, to the flowers versus a cupped form of Abraham Darby.

Claire Rose- again, I have had this rose only for a month. It looks like it is going to fit quite well in the corner of my yard where two fences come together and it can rest it's canes on them. I am going to re-evaluate next year.

Evelyn- it seems like every rose on here I have said that I haven't had it for long, and this falls in that category. In the month that I have had it, I have seen several different flower forms. This rose has a nice fragrance. The plant puts out quite a bit of rose, probably the most prolific one of those I got last month.

The Prince- a nice "red" if you want to call it that rose. I would call it a dark purple rose. In the month that I have been growing it, it is the second most prolific bush.

Heritage- a light pink rose. It has grown on me a little bit since I brought it home, but in my opinion, I don't think that I would replace it if it were to die. To me there isn't anything to distinguish it from other roses.

Abraham Darby- I first grew this rose in Georgia many years ago. I really like this rose. It goes through many different colors and sometimes can seem like a different rose from one bloom to the next. It has a nice fragrance. It does get big, which doesn't bother me being tall, but give this rose room to grow.

Crown Princess Margareta- a climbing yellow/apricot rose. I grew it in Georgia, but it didn't really wow me. In my opinion based on the blooms, I would grow Teasing Georgia over Crown Princess Margareta. I have seen Teasing Georgia in a park in Oregon and prefer it to Crown Princess Margareta.

Last on the slideshow, is Christopher Marlowe. I grew it in Georgia and I thought that the color was somewhat off. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I don't think I would try to grow it just due to the color. The plant was well behaved though.

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